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Request: mettetal
1342 document(s) retrieved)

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100% 1991-01-31-PO.pdf (25 hits)
...0- staff writer A citizens group fighUng public ownership of Mettetal Airport has launched a recall campaign againlt five city of ...rled petitions were justified agal-t allr one, regarding the Mettetal Ii* and if remidents want certaim *& cuts out of office ...
92% 1990-12-13-PO.pdf (15 hits)
...Cents 0 1-0 I..h-b- C Clip./.Ull Mettetal Ai rport town meeting attracts crowd 4 K-In Irim staff writer The controverly over the future of Mettetal Airport got a full airing Monday, u nearly 200 people ...
84% 1991-01-24-PO.pdf (24 hits)
...past By Kevin Brown staM writer The effort to keep Mettetal Air- port open passed a big test Monday, as Plymouth ...sure exactly how the citizeg of this community feel about Mettetal, but I know how I feet " he said. CITY MANAGER ...
63% 1991-08-26-PO.pdf (11 hits)
...Plo- Fifty Cents -r' C..1.1.:Il- 1 r Mettetal vote expected Wednesday Canton to launch i.......1..... to stop ...olairport oppone- that the FAA vill have itl way with Mettetal ooce Mymouth To,-hip accepts a grant to biy it ...
58% 1993-11-08-PO.pdf (12 hits) compile a list of goals for the state- owned Mettetal Airport in Can- ton. /2A Buck pole: Local hunters bagged ...r / Monday . N ovember 8, 1993 Safety, other concerns top Mettetal goal list H i J o a n n e ...
56% 1991-01-03-PO.pdf (12 hits)
...staff writers While a Plymouth Township-led effort to keep .Mettetal Airport open has taken flight, some Canton officials have proposed ...Canton airport, said there is no in terest in expanding Mettetal As far as Tm concerned, there's not any wish ...
53% 1991-02-21-PO.pdf (12 hits)
...Plymouth residents will 1- - get a chance to vote on Mettetal Airport, but the date of that elec- tion is uncertain. The Mettetal question will go on the August primary ballot, or a ...
52% 1990-07-26-PO.pdf (15 hits) al- ready controversial issue about whether Canton should buy Mettetal Airport. However, township officials said skiety hasn't been a ...engine Cherokee owned by a club that operates out of Mettetal, 'Safety hain't been an issue and it still ion ...
51% 1991-08-01-PO.pdf (9 hits)
...U ' i.1 '91 hut u.tial. FAA letter on Mettetal Airport By Kivin Irown staM writer More questions about the Federal Aviation Ad ministration and expansion at Mettetal Airport are being raised A letter from an FAA official ...
49% 2000-01-30-PO.pdf (14 hits) To borrow a phrase, Canton-Ply- mouth Mettetal Airport has come a long way, baby. Since being purchased ...of-the-art weather tracking and a new plane taxiway, Mettetal has received much more than a cosmetic face-lift„ according ...
48% 1986-12-11-PO.pdf (16 hits)
...Police have released the 21-year- old brother of Keith Mettetal. who was killed on the runway of his grandfather's airport while they timed a speeding car. Ian Mettetal was legally drunk, said police, when he struck his brother ...
45% 1975-05-19-POE.pdf (11 hits)
...ta L Opposition to the possible purchase and expansion of Mettetal Airport by Canton Township is growing. The d ri ve ...the airport. "It's hard to make a determination about Mettetal right now." said Supervisor Robert Greenstein. °We have com- pletely ...
41% 1998-04-23-PO.pdf (15 hits)
...d I.rly Satuidq According to apilot at Can-- Plymouth Mettetal Airport, flight initructor Philip Kahler, 20,and b,tudent pilot ...but I dent know why it iould be; .id 000 Mettetal pilot, who declined to be named I asiume it was ...
37% 1986-05-22-PO.pdf (13 hits)
...approved by the city commission states that the city also METTETAL accepts liability for 45 other special events scheduled throughout the ...1 1, ' # 1 RICK SMITH/Stall photographer Marvin and Helen Mettetal talk about the airport started by his father in 1939 ...
37% 1996-09-09-PO.pdf (11 hits)
...shine In TODAY Airport safety: Runway wideing at Plymouth's Mettetal Airport is expected to make the facility safer. / 2A Money the rain show to star Mv daug 1 New Mettetal Airport runway to improve safety BY RENEE SKOGLLND SPIC IAL ...
37% 1994-03-10-PO.pdf (7 hits)
...N T H E P A P E R TODAY Mettetal Airport: State officials are in the process of buying prop- erty on Joy across from the Can- ton-Plymouth Mettetal Airport, as well as possibly on the southwest edge of ...
36% 1991-08-29-PO.pdf (9 hits)
...hammered out a heavily restrictive Joint Operating Agree. ment for Mettetal Airport in Canton It was a surprise to most observ ...should we build one here" said A look at the Mettetal prees conference, 9A PI>mouth Township Trustee Abe Muntakh referring ...
35% 1994-01-10-PO.pdf (12 hits)
...calling it a “com m unity service project. ’’ /3 A Mettetal runway: M ich ig an A e r- onautics ch ...pia- toiia ^ about 10 percent State vows not to shift Mettetal Airport runway By Joanne MALtszEwaiu Ptatv Warraa Cross his heart ...
35% 1975-06-02-POE.pdf (7 hits)
...Michigan 24 Pages Fifteen Cents €9>*w.*. . Debate heavy on Mettetal purchase ANNUAL CLEANUP day wai at Allen Elementary School witt ...of approval over Canton TownshiFG proposal to purchase and expand Mettetal Air- pon. A total of 52 persons took turns at ...
33% 1991-09-02-PO.pdf (8 hits)
...Pages iii lutiuit... .........'.01... i ulp...00/' - Questions flying on Mettetal plan Barbecue tickets The notary Cl.4 01 Ptmo•th ...u,11 ,<nn the ef- for! 8 3,11'0 Mettetal Airport We're pronded a list of common questions und ...
32% 1990-12-03-PO.pdf (5 hits)
...1990 Plymouth, M,chigan 54 Page, Fifty Cents »anta lin' = Mettetal issues to be aired next week O./.--1 :e= D ...K- *-n stall wrners The controversy over the futurt of Mettetal Airport in Cantoo Q scheduled for a full airing next ...
30% 2007-01-11-PO.pdf (14 hits)
...68, formerly of Garden City, died Jan. 7. Robert Jerome Mettetal Mettetal, 88, of Plymouth, died Jan. 4. Verna Mae Montague Montague ...
28% 1991-03-11-PO.pdf (12 hits)
...during the ongoing controversy over the city's involvement in Mettetal Air- port Since resigning, "Only one com- missioner called me ...any Seole out of 11 Bil, said be fint heard Mettetal Atrport was for sate when lown•hip Sipervuor Maur- Breeo ...
28% 1972-09-16-PMO.pdf (9 hits)
...murders, in the , form of vandals, have plagued Plymouth's Mettetal Airport this summer. Except for the fact that the i ...gasoline tank, and we would have had an accident, " Robert Mettetal, owner of the Airport said. AA pilot, -not .noticing that ...
28% 1991-01-10-PO.pdf (10 hits)
...Pilots won a small battle in their war to save Mettetal Airport Mon- day night when the Canton plan- ning commission ...proposal limiting airports to land zoned gen- eral industrial Since Mettetal Air- port is on light industrial land it would be ...
27% 1965-07-28-PM.pdf (12 hits)
...icily. 4 D A-2 THE PLYMOUTH MAIL Meneti When Mettetal Airport be- gan, back in the days of World War ...but people u far away as Birmingham and Wyandotte use Mettetal facili- ties. The recent addition of the Cessna dealership has ...
26% 1993-02-18-PO.pdf (9 hits)
...Foes to airport ■ Local opponents of a state purchase of Mettetal Airport are concerned there are plans to expand the facility ...riding in front, while sledding in Hines Park on Tuesday. Mettetal Airport opponents say they're determined to keep fighting the ...
25% 1991-02-14-PO.pdf (8 hits)
...Plymouth and Plymouth Township to begin ef- forts to buy Mettetal Airport in Can- ton and operate it jointly sparked the ...citizens of the city of Plymouth by voting to acquire Mettetal Airport on Jan. 21, 1991 • "Failure to provide informa- tion ...
25% 1993-02-22-PO.pdf (6 hits)
...and Plymouth of- ficials are backir^ away from nin- ning Mettetal Airport, which is being purchased by the state./Zk COUNTY with let information. But Yack board memt point: They Mettetal. Sei By M.B. Di S t a ff W ...
24% 1975-05-15-POE.pdf (10 hits)
...Ash moved to enter into a one-year cooperative agree- Mettetal discussion the program for second-year funding. blowing. Students from ...Plymouth Canton high schools. (Staff photo CANTON-The future of Mettetal tract industrial tax base and prevent Continued on Page IA ...
24% 1964-05-26-PM.pdf (14 hits)
...3 per couple: teryear se,cted for a peciai AT METTETAL: aide Gilbert Williams. the League Commandant Lyle children. Detroit Press ...Aviation A- gency to the owners of Ply- mouth's Mettetal Airport, city commissioners Tuesday even- ing went on record opposing ...
24% 1965-07-28_1-PM.pdf (11 hits)
...cily. r" 5 A-2 THE PLYMOUTH MAIL Mettet When Mettetal Airport be- gan, back in the days of World War ...a month to tie an aircraft down TOP MEN inc Mettetal, assistant and Peter Perkins i promoters of Mettel 310 J ...
22% 1991-02-07-PO.pdf (15 hits)
...Plymouth Township to continue their effort to buy and run Mettetal Airport. Wayne County Circuit Judge Richard Kaufman ruled Wednes- day K ovin Brown staff writec The raging fight over Mettetal Airport has sparked a public plea from Plymouth City Manager ...
21% 1971-06-05-PMO.pdf (8 hits)
...3Sections what's inside Old Story Updated The future of Mettetal Airport again has become amatter of public discussion, prompt- ed ...and say that we've f 1- warre Read; Jame• Mettetal Airport would expand insime, close complete. been through all this ...
21% 2011-04-17-PO.pdf (10 hits)
...90-years of life. As assistant manager of Canton-Plymouth-Mettetal Airport, Brown remains active in the aviation field. On this ...these stories. This afternoon is spent — Bill Brown works at Mettetal Airport. remembering the Detroit police cars that used to warm ...
21% 1990-08-13-PO.pdf (10 hits)
...between 9:30 and 9:4& a m. A4 7 ' Mettetal for sale FAA looks for community to buy ' Local boys ...OMIONS exist for ho, of Middle Eastern descent uy they Mettetal land will be used. support President George Bush for • Developers ...
20% 1994-02-14-PO.pdf (6 hits)
...move the unused his- tone one-room Hough School to Mettetal Airport. /3A Reporting abuse: Training ses- sions on now to ...of punishment is the deterrent that works beet" 8 m Mettetal to get safety audit B y J oan n e ...
20% 1973-09-19-PMO.pdf (8 hits)
...and approve flmding along with the other governmental units. 5.- .. Mettetal Up For Sale; Livonia Eyes Facility Twp. Fees Kill Co ...when it be- suggestw:g official consid- came known that Mettetal eraion 01 a study concerning Airport definitely is up for ...
20% 1955-05-26-PM.pdf (4 hits)
...everyone can still enter any pad airplane crash Friday at Mettetal Mettetal's brother, Lewis, lifted series of picturb. or they may ...
20% 1991-05-02-PO.pdf (7 hits)
...doesn t have a sense of hu mor Over the Mettetal Airport issue, Jaeger said.'People got 90 upset and involved ...on hold BILL BRESLER /staff photogr,pher An onlooker at Mettetal Airport. State will pay its share for airport By Kevin ...
19% 1994-09-08-PO.pdf (8 hits)
...Warren and Lilley roads has raised concerns among pilots at Mettetal Airport /3A Chairmar) named: When the Canton Plymouth Mettetal Air- over a year ago, state and town- port Advisory ...
19% 1992-08-27-PO.pdf (8 hits)
...m contact with t}wir MlTd uncs./1 lA OPINION Mettetal Airport: With the h.ul political settle cooling (1(,li ...P) 744 WING, PLYMOUTH. MI 48170 THURSDAY, Auouer 27.1992 Mettetal Airport Purchase deserves new look ARKIE HUDKINS gmunded bv the ...
18% 1991-02-28-PO.pdf (6 hits)
...recall five (·it> commt.4 sioners who voted to buy Mettetal Airport as dropping the recall effort after a statement frum disagree with these elected officials over the issue of Mettetal Airport,"the state ment said. ''all we could ask ts ...
18% 2012-09-20-PO.pdf (9 hits)
17% 1992-09-21-PO.pdf (7 hits)
...Today, the 800,000 *quare foot plant proposed purchase of Mettetal Airport and its eventual rejection hasn't grounded businesses that ...While local gouernments u·on't be buying and operating Mettetal Airport, Don Ahdonc 'A Emerald Atiation and the Canton airport ...
17% 1991-01-07-PO.pdf (12 hits)
...One of the standards requires a 2700 foot runway at Mettetal instead of the present 2100 foot strip. Since Mettetal has a single north-south runway, crosswind problems are an ...
17% 1991-02-11-PO.pdf (10 hits)
...a joint govern- ing board with Plymouth Township to run Mettetal Airport. The elections commission is scheduled to meet to review ...ible. der• a vocatte-1 'cheol could b. blilt at Mettetal, to serve the Plymouth- Can-,Clo,1 -rict U a ...
17% 1995-08-10-PO.pdf (9 hits)
...out to the communi- ty. /13A COUNTY NEWS Taking off: Mettetal Airport in Canton Township is the busiest of the state ...v i n t a g e and experimental aireraft Mettetal is busiest of the state-owned airports B y J ...
17% 1987-07-27-PO.pdf (9 hits)
...Am,*a hak l,Plymma P- turn m Pio. 2 Mettetal sold Jet Services Inc. buys 'family airport' By Susan Buck ...owners of Jet Services Inc., which operates flight operations at Mettetal Airport, has exercised Its option to buy Ute airport. According ...
16% 1993-11-01-PO.pdf (8 hits)
...November i . 1993 • Plymouth . Michigan • 44 pages Firm C ents Mettetal management: M ore than 60 in dividuals and com pa ...The Observer/ Monday . Novkmhkh 1, 1993 2A (P ) ■ Would-be Mettetal managers weigh pros, cons B t J o a n ...
15% 1993-05-06-PO.pdf (9 hits)
...J oanne Mauszewski Staff W arniR If the state buys Mettetal Airport. Jan Mueller wants the purchase of property limited to ...if property south of the ex isting airport is bought. Mettetal ap- parently has an air ea.sement over that land ...
15% 1991-03-18-PO.pdf (8 hits)
...ness district City close to hiring Northville manager expansi on Mettetal in Brown rlter 00't want to expand Mettetal if we buy it, city and Plym- wnship trustees have ...
14% 1998-10-11-PO.pdf (10 hits)
...with preliminary plans." The land owners have *tipulated Surprise: Bob Mettetal /Zew a B-25 bomber /br the Brat time in ...1Ili1Irtll Hom, 001"•fy: 1#.'640. 0 e174 10001 0 Mettetal flies high for 80th birthday they would only donate the ...
14% 1993-07-08-PO.pdf (6 hits)
...contributed $200 to Artley’s cam SeeSPCNMNa, 4A State clears Mettetal contract for takeoff By J oann * Maijrzkwski Statv Warnra It a contract with the state over the purchase of Mettetal Airport. Canton Township officials got their answer about certain changes ...
14% 2014-10-02-PO.pdf (7 hits) for 30 years.” His 1963 plane is stored at Mettetal, at Lilley and Joy roads. “It’s approaching my age ...flying is Marc Stobbe of Plymouth Township, assistant manager of Mettetal. He’s the retired deputy police chief for the city ...
14% 1991-02-04-PO.pdf (7 hits)
...00•11• Plie- tarn m Filil County not interested in Mettetal The lid beti- thi Iliiylilm In Cantom aad Pl,moill li,Il* 0- Mettetal A*,0.7 -* Btuil !•t•re jON /4- M *4 ...
14% 1966-07-06-OoP.pdf (3 hits)
...OF PLYMOUTH . 1 .1 ... 0 ... . ... . . . . ... ... ..'- I ..... . D .. Fireworks Display Jams Mettetal Airport Area , . 1 Thousands View Colorful Parade For a change ...the parade out of the way, the activities shifted to Mettetal Airport for the huge airshow in the afternoon: the peanut ...
14% 1992-08-24-PO.pdf (5 hits)
...federal grant to allow Plymouth Township and Canton to buy Mettetal Airport. Mettetal goes down in flames B¥ KF.VIN BROWN STAFF WRITER ...
14% 1956-08-02-PM.pdf (6 hits)
...go on record as opposing the proposed purchase of the Mettetal Airport by the City of Plymouth and the expansion of ...that they are affected by the airport. The enlargement of Mettetal municipal airport faciUty. Airport wiH'also affwt the land needs ...
13% 1936-03-06-PM.pdf (6 hits)
13% 1988-01-04-PO.pdf (3 hits)
...1 ---- 1 1)lumotttb ©b*trber n I IrrOut, ,f Mettetal Airport in Canton sold By Diane Gale fj/:.F' '51 preparation for the ice show. i Car]ton's Mettetal Airport purchased 1 1'.1,1 1 1 , It, 1 ...
12% 1991-10-10-PO.pdf (8 hits)
...t r·•' Pd Kt document •-ith .,ue„ 'r,h 4 Mettetal M> main (-tinter:, Mr ! didn t *-drit :he tutp ti ...cerned Citizens strongly opposed the commission s effort to run Mettetal Airport. said some com- missioners 'might swear a couple of ...
12% 1975-06-23-POE.pdf (8 hits)
...the rest are privately owned." Andrews said. "In this area, Mettetal in Canton Township and National Airport in Westland will be ...would be better invested if it were handed over to Mettetal to allow it to keep operating another five to 10 ...
12% 1965-08-11-PM.pdf (3 hits)
...a take-off and struck a tree just west of Mettetal Airport on Lilley Road. The air- craft hit the tree ...hit a tree west of the south end of the Mettetal Airport paved run way, then hit Power lines along Lilley ...
12% 1997-06-26-PO.pdf (5 hits)
...the glow ofAntall’s flashlight. Cessna crashes on landing at Mettetal By J oanne Mauszewski STAFF WRITER All Jerry Ammerman of ...side of Joy Road as it attempted to land at Mettetal Airport about 10:30 p.m. Wednesc day. The plane ...
12% 1997-06-29-PO.pdf (7 hits)
...172 is moved across the street to a hangar at Mettetal Airport. For a story and photos, turn to page A2 ...pilot and passenger of a Cessna 172 that crashed near Mettetal Airport in Canton Wednesday night are alive and well as ...
12% 1993-07-12-PO.pdf (7 hits)
...MSB tA<P,C) The Observer/ Monday . July 12, 1993 Mettetal sale sticks in craw of opponents f t Y J ...aren't happy with the • tala'i planned purchase of Mettetal Airport. “I’m eo disappointed. I feel very •orry for ...
12% 1990-10-01-PO.pdf (7 hits)
...the eventng and watch, Fowler Mid Abley Heimbaugh, operator of Mettetal, *aid he wu encouraged by the support the vol unteen the airport Tom Ranta of Uvoot, flew out of Mettetal Airport for the fint time in 1946 "Thu airport wed ...
11% 1994-07-25-PO.pdf (3 hits)
...again. /2A Prograaalng: Improvements are under way at Canton-Plymouth Mettetal Airport as a five-year im- provements plan is finalized ...Salem High School auditori- um. Improvements under way at local Mettetal Airport B t Jiu . Ha l t in gr*rv ...
11% 1993-02-15-PO.pdf (5 hits)
...Plymoutii-Caiitofi, the iacoe of fov- eniment buyinf and mnniBg Mettetal Airport roae from the dead laet week, aa airport opponenta ...K evin Bbown St ATT Wbitsb The state will buy Mettetal Airport in three to four months to maintain the small ...
11% 1991-07-25-PO.pdf (5 hits)
...told them we don't want to public ownership of Mettetal Air port could be residents "worst nightmare.'' an Ann Arbor ...Township and Plymouth city govern ments to run Canton's Mettetal Air port While township and (·ity offictal< have Nald they ...
11% 1946-06-07-PM.pdf (6 hits)
...feature Gigantic Air Circus Scheduled for Sunday June 16/ at Mettetal Tort Mettetal Airport, Joy and^ ______________ _______ Lilley Roads, next Sunday,! a ...
11% 1993-07-01-PO.pdf (3 hits)
...Personal Scene. 4G Sports...............-.IB Suburban Life . . 1C Canton OKs Mettetal contract, but seeks changes B y JO A iV N ...a contract with the state re garding the purchase of Mettetal Airport Tuesd% night. But they are also asking for an ...
11% 1965-08-11_1-PM.pdf (3 hits)
...a take-off and struck a tree just west of Mettetal Airport on Lilley Road. The air- craft hit the tree ...hit a tree west of the south end of the Mettetal Airport paved run way, then hit power lines along Lilley ...
11% 1993-07-15-PO.pdf (12 hits)
...u th , M I 48170 T hursday . July 15,1993 Mettetal purchase Y a c k h a n d l ...t a t o I t’* finally time to put Mettetal Airport to rest. The issue has been simmering for more ...
11% 1994-08-29-PO.pdf (4 hits)
...ful than watching a good and hearty football game. /3A Mettetal improvements: If you drive by the Canton-Plymouth Mettetal Airport and wonder what’s going on, a new parking ...
11% 1991-09-09-PO.pdf (6 hits)
...For Dow, the city of Plymouth is out of the Mettetal Airport operation busin- The joint operating agreement be- tween Plymouth ...t opee to the public unul permits are 1-ed. Mettetal agreement restrictions sought Flumoutll ®bseruer .01.- 0.1. .aff V ...
11% 1991-05-30-PO.pdf (3 hits)
...the pubir deciae U Ph'rnouth Town ahip -ould run Mettetal Alrport Tbat was the memage from more than 2 00 Mettetal Airport oppooeols to township tr-lees Tuesday Robert Zaetta 01 ...
10% 1984-05-28-PO.pdf (5 hits)
...Chrin MeGurrin reft- to drive past yOU guys ='0*ying Mettetal Airport. I will not go down there put the ch ...a landing at does not know what elie to do. Mettetal Airport 00 Ulley in Caotoo. When uked about Mc(jurrin ...
10% 1984-01-16-PO.pdf (5 hits)
...1arilyn Mancuso'; busines: in the Mancuso's hang•r at Mettetal probably wo¢Vt be. when it lin't rented out them outof to track down big new, stories. Ashley Mettetal Akpbrt in Can ton To-hip. Heimbaugh, the helicopter's ...
10% 1995-11-13-PO.pdf (4 hits)
...the district. /2A Improvements: Major improve- ments are set lit Mettetal Airport. /2A Veterans Day: Plymouth ueter- ans were out in ...ran,ient pilut» are expected to 0,ntnbute more to Mettetal'M rev t·!lue uner the tank farm la opera ...
10% 1993-03-29-PO.pdf (4 hits)
...IN T H E P A P E R TODAY Mettetal: The M etteta l A irport public hearing attracted the — they also commented on why they’re pursuing a Mettetal purchase. “We believe this airport is valu- able to general ...
9% 1993-07-22-PO.pdf (5 hits)
...lion to the owners. By J oanne Mauszewskj Staff Writer Mettetal Airport now belong* to the state of Michigan. The Michigan ...purchase closes the door on the years long controversy over Mettetal Airport. Though some area residents remain opposed to the state ...
9% 1965-01-05-PM.pdf (5 hits)
...Eflith Ran home of Mrs, Solomon Bien-'Wasne, Melva Marie Mettetal. AIrs approval of plans by the enfll·Id, 2!)623 ...heppele, ply. County Drain Commission. I mouth, five :ons. Raphael Mettetal, I Approved the reappoint- Voillit. I Eli L Metteld]. Detroit ...
9% 1937-04-30-PM.pdf (3 hits)
9% 1993-12-06-PO.pdf (6 hits) included on a wish list orKanizetl by Handy Culler Mettetal inana Ker and state Bureau of Aerunau tics iicvnsinit and ...that accompanied the state's M mil lion purchase of Mettetal The agreement was designeil to jirotect interests of residents it ...
9% 1990-11-01-PO.pdf (6 hits)
...writer There's no rush to decide the fate of Mettetal Airport. say local officials inter ested in the airport'I ...plan in August, detailing how an authority could take over Mettetal Taxpayers of communities Joining the au thorit) will not be ...
9% 1987-02-26-PO.pdf (6 hits)
...years the dheae could reach adolescents in large numbers. Ian Mettetal was arraigned Tues- ing on the runway at Mettetal Air- level ts considered legally drunk. day on one charge ...
9% 1990-08-20-PO.pdf (2 hits)
...ligh•a CO-1-Jcatio- Call'Intiom - Trustees consider buying Mettetal Plymouth - Township NeW fire station 4 -- staff-ter A *1 ...the airport Breeo sald he planned to visit with The Mettetal family owned a Michigan Aerooactics Commi-0 from 1939 until ...
9% 1990-12-20-PO.pdf (5 hits)
...agree- ment with Plymouth Township, to buy, operate and maintain Mettetal Airport Commissioner John Vos, who spoke strongly in favor of ...have been scheduled over the past six months to discuss Mettetal's future Answering the concerns of some who oppose creation ...
9% 1994-01-03-PO.pdf (3 hits) 591-0500 IN THE P A P E R Mettetal at issue: Michigan Aeronautics Commission Director Bill Gehman will attend the monthly Mettetal Advisory Board meeting at 7p.m. Thursday to dis- cuss ...
9% 1992-05-25-PO.pdf (4 hits) the Rummer But after „fTering ride,4 out of Mettetal over Memorial Day Weekend, Keen planned ta remain and continue ...tu ('harlevoix Thi, i mv borne, airport,' Keen aid of Mettetal Flying. he vid, "WaH lu•! Mon,ething 1 al,vays ...
9% 1938-03-11-PM.pdf (4 hits)
8% 1956-07-26-PM.pdf (6 hits)
...500,000 bond issue for the purchase and expansion of Mettetal airport. This article attempts to explain the history of the ...public announcement of a proposed plan to purchase end expand Mettetal airport in Canton town- ship was not made until the ...
8% 1943-05-21-PM.pdf (6 hits)
...their wings l Lutheran church, to leave the at the Mettetal air field on Joy training of youth to the home ...students. But the ma- Many Prepare For Air Force At Mettetal Field Over 165 Pilot Students Now Flying F9r Uncle Sam ...
8% 1943-04-30-PM.pdf (6 hits)
...the war effort. t This is the word of Kaphael Mettetal, one of the outstand- ing gardeners in western Wayne county. Mr. Mettetal is a large grower of vegetables at his farm on ...
8% 1991-11-21-PO.pdf (4 hits)
...and 1311: M«Aritnch All three upposed in volvement with Mettetal Airport :C , , , M.i . 1 1{.t.·' I P 'e ...the joint operation between Canton and Plymouth townships to run Mettetal airport will ever get off the ground Law said that ...
8% 1991-03-25-PO.pdf (13 hits)
...purchasing the Kees slide into the garage on the ke Mettetal Airport, but to no avail when trying to make a ...or accounted for. Joka T. Sbevlin Plymouth Taxpayers hurt by Mettetal To the editor. Who will be hurt most if Mettetal ...
8% 1937-03-26-PM.pdf (9 hits)
8% 1994-09-05-PO.pdf (4 hits)
...Saturday when his plane crash shortly after take off from Mettetal Airport. Three others were pulled from the burning wreckage. Pilot dies in crash at Mettetal Bt J kft Coctnth Brcrr Warrsa A Plymouth Township man ...

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